The first layout is from a collab they did together called "Guess How Much" I love the rich colors of this kit and yes they had my favorite thing in there---butterflies. You will likely see butterflies in alot of my LO's.
The other Lo is called Wildflower Garden by ChickenSocks designs. Again if you look real hard you will see the butterfly. And this kit has another of my favorite thing or should I say things--flowers.
You can find these and other kits by this great team here at Denim and Daisies (http://denimanddaisies.net/shoppe/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=4 )--almost posted the wrong link -yipes but it would have gone straight to one of the above LO's. Sooooo you should hop on over to the store and check things out and while there why not go sign up for the great forum.
Forgive me for such deep spacing but I am still trying to figure out how to edit without erasing my entire post--great thought only happen once ya know-ha! HA!
Have a great night and will likely be posting much more. Okay just previewed my post and the spacing seems fine which is great.