Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Today it is doing something we haven't seen alot of lately--rain!!! It's been heavy at times and I think the worse of it is now over. I won't complain too awfully much as our yard was beginning to look like a dust bowl. The grandkids were going on though as we had told them--if it didn't rain we would go to the park for an outing today. Some of them cried all the way home. I truly was sorry but we had a great couple of past days and there is always next week---well if God allows.

This past week was granddaughter's 6th birthday. She woke up on Tuesday and informed me she was now offically 6 yrs old--1 5--is how she put it. I said now hold on 15 will come soon enough, it should be 1 plus 5= 6. For a couple days she kept putting it as 1 5. I don't want to close my eyes as it's likely to happen ( 15 that is!!!). On the weekend her mother had arrange to have a co worker bring over a pony so the kids could ride. I know all day Friday none of them could sit still . I'm sure the teachers had their hands full trying to get the other girls to sit still. The big time arrived at 6 pm and when I heard all the squeals I knew the pony had arrived. Well imagine our surprise whenever they unloaded the trailer and there was the pony and a mustang and---a llama.

This is Autumn. She was not thrilled to be in town but she did let everyone stroke her neck and make a fuss over her. I think all the kids as well as the adults got a kick out of the llama. I know we nearly had a couple dozen accidents on our street from people just trying to get a look at her. It was said we should charge for all the looks and the owners would be rich!!! The grands had a wonderful time and were even nice enough to allow some uninvited kids take a few rides on the horses. My oldest granddaughter took to that mustang like a fish to water!! I'm sure I know what she will be asking for come Christmas.


On Saturday we had the birthday party but it was only just family. All the kids still had a blast and that's what was important. It was a fun week-end and one I wish we could have more often. The kids couldn't stop talking about their great time and I doubt if one of them put up a fight going to bed on Saturday night.

By the way I maxed out my SD card as I took over 150 pictures!!! But hey isn't that what a grandma is for???

Hope everyone has a great upcoming week and finds some fun things to do

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today is a wonderful pre-fall day here--not too hot, not too cold. I can hardly wait for the leaves to turn but that means we have to have a nice good frost first and I am not looking forward to that part of Fall. Maybe the leaves will change without all that nastiness.

This week has been rather nice. I went to the fair this year ( it was free day so we took it). I didn't stay long but it's been a few years since I'd been there so it was nice to see what the 4H's had been up to and all the other things that go along with a county fair. It was very hot that day so I didn't stick around that long.

Then on Friday we had our annual home school picnic. There wasn't a great turn out but at least it was a really nice day and the kids all had a good time. For most this was probably the first time they had taken a break all day. I find that a child will do better school work when they are allowed a few breaks between lessons--or at least that is how it is around here.

Following the picnic I was able to have a wonderful visit with Candie from Candi'es creations(
We had discovered we leave near each other and were finally able to get together. She is a super sweet lady and I'm so very lucky to have gotten the chance to meet her. If you get the chance drop over by her blog and say hello.

Today I rearranged my school area-again!!! I never was one to leave things the same way for very long plus I got tired of not being able to see out the window.

The dog is still around. She still sleeps out on my front porch in the chair and she still runs all day. We did learn she had had puppies under one of the trailers behind us and the owner had taken them to the pound. I guess that would explain the saddeness on the dog's face but at least there isn't a few dozen youngsters running around to get killed or starve. Or worse come live with me!!!!!!! I tell ya that female dog can eat like a horse so this week I bought a huge bag of dog kibbles. My dog has decided he now whats to eat kibbles so he gets his fair share .

Well the day is speeding away and I still have laundry to get done. Have a grand day ans see you at next post.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rantin' and Ravin'

Well for the time being I don't have any dilliness to report and this post isn't the nicest--just an angry one I guess as I don't swear. This is about all those helpless animals out in out society that seem to be thought of as trash. Why do we discard a dog or cat just because they have lost their cuteness? Would we throw our child out of a running car just because we couldn't afford to feed them? Or would we turn our spouses out in an unknown neighbor hood (well that might be a thought!!!!). Of course not as we would be charged with a crime. So why then is it okay to discard our animals like that? Recently a big ole dog showed up in our neighborhood. I didn't pay much attention to it as there are always dogs getting loss but they soon return home so you get use to seeing them. However, there is now one in the area that seems to have been dumped. I knew it was there but never really took a look at it til the other day and when I did I just wanted to cry. The poor thing was sooo skinny you could see all the rib bones and then some. I also noticed that it was a she. She is a big ugly dog and scared to death of people in general so theres no getting close to her. But I couldn't take it any longer and against my better judgement I bought some bagged dog food and left it out back for her. It was gone in no time. Well then we learned she had been sleeping on our front porch in a chair so I left some food and water out there the last couple nights. I peeked out this morning and she was sleeping like a log in that chair and I just started crying. We are not allowed to have another animal especially a big female dog--we have a male who isn't fixed!!! and that would spell trouble for certain. But on the flip side I can't even imagine to think what this poor helpless dog is thinking and if she is crying as well. I know I'm asking for trouble but just call me the champion of animal rights cuz I am not going to let her starve to death right before my eyes. Oh sure I could turn a deaf ear like everyone else is and just pretend the problem will go away or be killed on the road. But this poor dog didn't ask for this mess and I'm going to do all I can to help her get out of it. Yes I'm likely to take a few choice words from my landlady and others in the area who hate animals but so be it. I think I can handle it. I could say that I hoped whomever did this would end up on the streets themselves but i won't be that cruel especially since the unemployment in our area is at 17% and it could likely happen. I will say however, that if we are going to take on the resposibility of an animal we should carry it thru to the end. Still I know animals are just trash to most folks and there will never be any laws to help them so hopefully there will be more people out there like me to help the helpless 4 legged population