Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today is a wonderful pre-fall day here--not too hot, not too cold. I can hardly wait for the leaves to turn but that means we have to have a nice good frost first and I am not looking forward to that part of Fall. Maybe the leaves will change without all that nastiness.

This week has been rather nice. I went to the fair this year ( it was free day so we took it). I didn't stay long but it's been a few years since I'd been there so it was nice to see what the 4H's had been up to and all the other things that go along with a county fair. It was very hot that day so I didn't stick around that long.

Then on Friday we had our annual home school picnic. There wasn't a great turn out but at least it was a really nice day and the kids all had a good time. For most this was probably the first time they had taken a break all day. I find that a child will do better school work when they are allowed a few breaks between lessons--or at least that is how it is around here.

Following the picnic I was able to have a wonderful visit with Candie from Candi'es creations(
We had discovered we leave near each other and were finally able to get together. She is a super sweet lady and I'm so very lucky to have gotten the chance to meet her. If you get the chance drop over by her blog and say hello.

Today I rearranged my school area-again!!! I never was one to leave things the same way for very long plus I got tired of not being able to see out the window.

The dog is still around. She still sleeps out on my front porch in the chair and she still runs all day. We did learn she had had puppies under one of the trailers behind us and the owner had taken them to the pound. I guess that would explain the saddeness on the dog's face but at least there isn't a few dozen youngsters running around to get killed or starve. Or worse come live with me!!!!!!! I tell ya that female dog can eat like a horse so this week I bought a huge bag of dog kibbles. My dog has decided he now whats to eat kibbles so he gets his fair share .

Well the day is speeding away and I still have laundry to get done. Have a grand day ans see you at next post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I'm sending out links to everyone who played my name game on my blog. Here is a link to your free mini-thanks for playing!
Miss Erin's Scraps