These layouts are getting harder and harder to come up with. I only have so many pictures and I hate to use the same ones over and over but sometimes certain pictures make the best layouts
Ababgail is feeling better and the rash is staring to go away. She broke out like this when she was a few months old and we wonder now if it could have been scarlet fever back then? I don't remember if she ran a fever or not but I do recall the doctor giving her an antibotic so who knows. And so far no one else is breaking out so hoping all is past.
We had some really heabvy rain yesterday--all day and the electric did kick out and shut me down. Today is cloudy and cooler but no rain in the forecast.
Have a great day and here is the link for the CuddleBeez contest(http://cuddlebeezscraps30in30.blogspot.com/)
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